Sunday 30 August 2020

Church for Sunday - the former Carolingian sanctuary at Cravant-les-Coteaux

 church of Cravant les Coteaux exterior view
Today we feature the church of Saint Léger which sits in the old town 'Vieux Bourg' of Cravant-les-Coteaux
The former Carolingian sanctuary has a nave which  dates from the 9th century and is one of the rare well-preserved types of the Carolingian dynasty. The nave leads to the choir which dates from the 12th century and the Notre Dame chapel, occupying the south east transept from the 15th century. 
Despite lying unused for nearly a thousand years, the sanctuary surprisingly stayed intact . In 1865, it was bought by the Société Archéologique de France at a public auction. In 1933 it was 'sold', to the Association des Amis du Vieux Cravant, for the sum of 100 francs. More info. here 

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