Wednesday 18 October 2017

Francois Rabelais - a giant of a man?

This is the statue of Francois Rabelais sits in 'Place Anatole France'  in Tours near the university that bears his name. He is much celebrated here in Touraine as one of its 'sons' though apparently the exact whereabouts of his birth are open to conjecture, 'near Chinon' keeps him within its boundaries. 
As a monk, humanist,physician and writer he is a fine example of the importance of education to the many young people who climb the steps of the nearby building. His most celebrated work 'Gargantua and Pantagruel' was written under the name Alcofribas Nasier (an anagram of François Rabelais). It tells the story of two giants,a father, Gargantua and his son, Pantagruel. It is, according to what I have read about him,said to have been written in "an amusing, extravagant, and satirical vein".  Maybe I should seek out a copy!

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